Extractions and Oral Surgery in Langley
Whether you need to schedule wisdom teeth extractions or another dental surgery, our on-site dentists at Langley Dental Centre in Langley can meet with you and determine which oral surgery options are good choices for your teeth.
Wisdom Teeth Extractions
Many people are born with too many teeth and too little space in their mouth. If your jawbone is too small to accommodate wisdom teeth, your teeth may become impacted and trapped. Impacted and trapped teeth cause pain and the roots may disrupt neighboring teeth.
Fortunately, our team of general dentists can remove extra teeth and prevent pain. Removal is one of the easiest preventative measures for wisdom teeth complications.
Our team will examine your teeth to determine which ones (if any) need removal. If you have enough space in your mouth, we won’t remove the wisdom teeth. Instead, you can schedule regular visits to ensure your wisdom teeth haven’t moved.
Contact Us
Our team is able to meet the needs of Langley’s residents. We have a large office that can accommodate you, so you don’t have to wait long for service. We also offer extended hours so you can fit an appointment into your busy schedule. For your convenience, we also have staff that can speak Arabic, Greek, French, Hindi, Punjabi, and Spanish.
If you would like more information about our wisdom teeth extractions and dental surgery in Langley, contact us online or call us at 604-455-6247. We will set up a consultation so you can visit our team. After we have completed the x-rays, we will schedule a future appointment.
Wisdom Teeth Removal Overview
While many people will have no trouble with their wisdom teeth, these teeth are often removed to prevent more serious issues like an abscess or cyst. These teeth generally begin to surface in the late teens, to early 20s, and many times, they become impacted as they develop, growing sideways into the other teeth or angled forward.
Wisdom teeth may erupt from the gum line or may still be set in the jaw. Teeth that are only partially erupted may present other issues as these teeth are difficult to clean and care for. Extractions are typically handled by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. Some extractions are done as a preventative measure to safeguard against changes in the alignment of the teeth during orthodontics or more serious complications.
Dealing with Issues after Oral Surgery
Dry socket: While dry socket will generally heal on its own, consult your dentist to expedite the healing process and to ensure there is no risk of infection.
Nerve injury: The lingual and inferior alveolar nerves run near the surgical site and supply sensation and taste to the area. While nerve injuries are often temporary, nerve damage should never be overlooked, and you should contact your dentist as soon as possible.
Damage to prior dental work: If your procedure has damaged any prior dental work, contact your dentist. This is a risk involved during any surgical procedure.
Damage to surrounding areas: While it is rare, an injury may occur around the sinus cavity or jaw depending on how the tooth was extracted. Any injury should be treated as a medical emergency. Again this too is an inherent risk involved in oral surgery.
When Oral Surgery is Prescribed:
- Impacted teeth
- Prevention of malocclusion
- Cysts, tumors or abscesses
- Partial eruption leading to an operculum
- Patient Experience
Your experience with oral surgery will vary based on how complicated the extraction performed is.
- All procedures will begin with a consultation process where you will be shown any issues, current or potential, with your teeth along with a course of action.
- Regardless of the type of anesthetic used, you will experience numbness and possibly difficulty chewing or speaking following your procedure. However, this is only temporary.
- Recovery time will vary based on what type of procedure was used. A surgical extraction will require more time to heal.
- Inflammation is generally greater after surgery, so you may be given instructions for managing pain and swelling.
- Your dentist will provide you with a list of foods to avoid and how to care for your wounds during your recovery period.
- Bruising around the face or blood oozing from the wound is normal and will resolve in a few days.
- Your dentist may or may not use stitches to close the incision. Some stitches will dissolve on their own while others require a follow-up visit to remove.
- You will also need to abstain from smoking during the first 24 hours following surgery and should avoid activities that may loosen the blood clots, such as drinking through a straw or rinsing your mouth out.
Oral Surgery Reference Material
WebMD Oral Surgery Guide
The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS)
What Is The Recovery Time After Wisdom Teeth Removal?
WebMD: Wisdom Teeth Extractions
Wisdom Tooth Extraction; What You Can Expect